Training and events
Equipping for ministry to others
Would you like to know more about helping people struggling with life issues? Our theoretical and practical course may be for you.
We provide a complete Biblical framework for you to use in ministry to others.
Course modules
The Big Picture
Sets the foundation for the rest of the course. It helps to place ministry to others within the context of God’s overall plan for mankind.
Dove’s Model and Tools
Provides a comprehensive Biblical framework and tools to apply. This enables a clear and structured approach when faced with complex problems.
The Heart and Forgiveness
Looks at the heart and forgiveness. The theory of and the practical ‘how to’ of forgiveness are covered in depth.
Being Transformed by the Renewing of the Mind
Covers thinking patterns and behaviours and their roots. It helps us recognise and address erroneous patterns in our own and others’ thinking and behaviours.
Listening and Bereavement
Covers two areas. Firstly, listening skills and techniques focuses on listening within the context of God’s Big Picture (see module 1). Secondly, it covers briefly the areas of bereavement and loss and how to deal with these in ministry.
Spiritual Authority
Helps us understand and apply our spiritual authority in Christ within Scriptural boundaries.
Offers an opportunity to examine the personal call to ministry to others. It promotes self-knowledge and spiritual growth.
Other training and events
If you would like to request training or provision of speakers on a particular subject, please feel free to contact us.
We also occasionally run more reflective and meditative events, helping to facilitate deeper encounter with God.
Get in touch for more details or to be notified about upcoming courses.